Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Why Poetry Antimatters" Is the Anticlimax

Dodds-and-Tierney took their dog-and-pony show to the Ottawa Writers' Festival and were best in show by their own standards.

We provided the "master" and Mr. David O'Meara provided the "class" in our masterclass entitled: Why Poetry Antimatters: Metaphor, Entanglement and Particle Poetics. Tierney's frightmare was double your pleasure--the Q&A revealed not one but
two particle physicists in the crowd.

Dodds was a lycanthrope of metaphor, a Frankenlager of poetic process, snapping off one-liners like a strongman ringing the bell at a carnival. Tierney was happy to sound smart without necessarily being so. O'Meara was banana smoothie as host and whipsmart with the mike.

We sold books. We got SWAG. We hotelled with our new Writers' Festival bags.

And just like that. Beery goodbyes.